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Asymmetric Alliances and Information Systems - Issues and Prospects

le 1 juin 2017

June 2017

De Karim Saïd et Fadia Bahri Korbi
ISTE Publishing Knowledge
115.00 USD
160 pages
ISBN : 9781786300973

This book explores the impact of information systems on the management of North–South asymmetric strategic alliances through a series of in-depth case studies which analyze different types of partnerships.

Positioned at the heart of the value creation process, the choice of information system seems to be becoming a strategic issue which should be centered not only on the organizational decisions related to the type of alliance but also the management systems of each of the partners. The authors provide an understanding of the nature of this relationship between the organizational structure and the method of information system integration in asymmetric alliances.

The in-depth analysis of strategic alliance case-studies illustrates the different methods of information system integration, which are themselves linked to the organisational and structural choices of the alliance. These methods are characterized by information-sharing and coordination mechanisms as well as the balance of control over shared activities developed by the distinct partners.
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About the authors

Karim Saïd is Associate Professor and PhD Research Director at the ISM Graduate School of Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ)/Paris-Saclay University where he is a member of LAREQUOI Research Center for Management. Guest lecturer in many Master’s Programs in France, Singapore, Bahrain and Morocco, Dr Saïd worked previously as an expert for the French Ministry of Foreign Affairs and was the Director of the French Arabian Business School in partnership with the ESSEC Business School.

Fadia Bahri Korbi has a PhD in Management Sciences from Versailles Saint-Quentin-en-Yvelines University (UVSQ)/Paris-Saclay University. Her research focuses on asymmetric North-South strategic alliances and the integration of information systems.