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Principaux Ouvrages / Articles
Lissaneddine, Z., El Idrissi, M., El Manzani, Y. (à paraitre). Towards an integration of the collaborator’s experience in the digital management of the employer brand. In Rana, G., Sharma, R., Aggarwal, S (Eds.), Employer Branding for Competitive Advantage: Models and Implementation Strategies, CRC (Taylor & Francis Publication).
Lissaneddine, Z., El Manzani, Y., El Idrissi, M. (à paraitre). Managing Employer Brand Through Social Media: An Exploration of The Moroccan Customer Relation Centers. In K. Sandhu (Eds.), Management and Strategies for Digital Enterprise Transformation, IGI Global.
El Manzani, Y., Sidmou, M. L., & Cegarra, J. J. (2019). Does IS0 9001 quality management system support product innovation? An analysis from the sociotechnical systems theory. International Journal of Quality & Reliability Management (CNRS 3, HCERES B, FNEGE 3).
Manzani, Y. E., Sidmou, M. L., & Cegarra, J. J. (2017). A conceptual framework of the relationship between total quality management, corporate social responsibility, innovation capability, and financial performance. International Journal of Quality and Innovation, 3(2-4), 188-208.
El Manzani, N., Asli, A., & El Manzani, Y. (2018). Les facteurs de l’échec entrepreneurial des PME marocaines : une étude exploratoire. Marche et organisations, (3), 105-144.