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Chapitres d'ouvrages 2019
Publié le 17 juillet 2020 – Mis à jour le 19 juillet 2024
- ASSENS C., BOUCHEZ J.-P. (2019). Social Networks and Professional Communities: A Fair Governance?. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing, pp. 223-236, 10.1007/978-3-030-11458-9_12, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04475721
- BARTOLI A., GUERRERO J.-L., HERMEL P. (2019). Introduction: What Does Responsibility Mean to Organizations in the Current Global Context?. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing, pp. 1-17, 10.1007/978-3-030-11458-9_1, https:hal.archivesouvertes.fr/hal-04475694
- BARTOLI A., PERRIN C., SEBAI J. (2019). Integration and Coordination of Care and Social Services as a Responsible Way of Handling Psychiatric Disability. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing, pp. 251-273, 10.1007/978-3-030-11458-9_14, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04475692
- BEN MLOUKA M., HEFAIEDH R., BARTOLI A., HERMEL P. (2019). CSR, Employee Commitment, and Survival During Crisis Period: The Case of Tunisia. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing, pp. 51-76, 10.1007/978-3-030-11458-9_4, https://hal.archivesouvertes.fr/hal-04475685
- BOUTERFAS I., RAYTCHEVA S., ROUET G. (2019). Corporate Social Responsibility in Europe: Discourses and Practices. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context. Springer International Publishing, pp. 153-174, 10.1007/978-3-030-11458-9_9, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04475680
- CÔME T., MAGNE S. (2019) « Les algorithmes au service de l’implication citoyenne : outil de gestion performant ou illusion démocratique ? » in Algorithmes et décisions publiques, Les essentiels d’Hermes, CNRS Editions, Paris, pp. 193-219.
- GOXE F., VIEGAS PIRES M. (2019). Because It's Worth It? A Critical Discourse Analysis of Diversity: The Case of L'Oréal, in BARTOLI et al., Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Perspectives, New York, Palgrave Macmillan, pp. 97-116.
- HÉLIE T., THURIOT F., CÔME T., et al. (2021) « En quête de créativité. Notes sur un programme de recherche franco-slovaque sur les villes créatives » in L’Europe en question(s) : gouvernance, environnement, langues, cultures, L’Harmattan.
- MARMOZ L. (2019) Trente ans d’AFIRSE au Portugal: évocation pour le futur, in Tempos, espaços, e artefactos em educação, Actas do XXVI Coloquio da AFIRSE Portugal, p.43-48.
- MIERE T. (2019). TIC & Diaspora : Développement d’une communication de proximité. 2ème numéro de la collection Communication et traces numériques, aux Presses Universitaires de Rouen et du Havre (PURH), sous la direction de Fabien Lienard & Sami Zlitni, Université du Havre.
- PASCARIU G. C., ROUET G. (2019). Introduction: Resilience and the Eastern Partnership—What Relevance for Policies ?. In : Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. Springer International Publishing, pp. 3-24, 10.1007/978-3-030-25606-7_1, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04461584
- PHILIP DE SAINT JULIEN D., MARASOVA J., VALLUSOVA A., VASILEVA E. (2019). CSR practices: The case of Veolia in three European Countries. In : Responsible Organizations in the Global Context: Current Challenges and Forward-Thinking Perspectives. pp. 175-197, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04352752
- ROUET G., (2019). From Singular and Regalian Diplomacy to Plural Diplomacy”, in Plural Diplomacies, monothematic issue, Politické Vedy, 2, 22, pp. 8-11. ISSN 1335-2741.
- ROUET G. (2019). Bernard Koest n’est pas un photographe », in Soulages, F. (dir), Temps & Photographie, Paris, L’Harmattan, pp. 107-116.
- ROUET G., CÔME T. (2019). Organisations and Resilience: What Relevance for the Eastern Partnership?”, in Rouet, G., Pascariu, G., Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. From Theoretical Concepts to a Normative Agenda, 2019, Palgrave Macmillan¸Londres, pp. 293-317.
- ROUET G., PASCARIU G. C. (2019). General Conclusions. In : Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. Springer International Publishing, pp. 541-548, 10.1007/978-3-030-25606-7_18, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04461375
- ROUET G., COME T. (2019). Organisations and Resilience: What Relevance for the Eastern Partnership?. In : Resilience and the EU’s Eastern Neighbourhood Countries. Springer International Publishing, pp. 293-317, 10.1007/978-3-030-25606-7_10, https://hal.archives-ouvertes.fr/hal-04459711